This is our new flagship. It is not just modified Muluc Supreme. We modified this design so far that it can not be simply called muluc any longer. An already advanced weave geometry had been kept, but few things which appeared to us when we had been working on Pure flexibility concept had been transmitted to its design to stick up with new range.
Final results simply surprised us. We had been already aware all of advantages coming out of the design, but after settle up period what we found on the top made us smiling.
This cable acts simply like no cable at all. It completely lacks any kind of character one is trying to find and simply avoids getting any sticker. It keeps signal transmission absolutely neutral and stays velvety smooth where material demands it, but if needed ,be careful, as it knows how to show the claws. Emotionally it remains attached to the performance and holds its uncanny spatiality with endless deposits.
Similarly to Pure it is build with use of rhodium coated Furutech plugs on both sides ,but on this occasion we used flag ship Carbon Line FI- E50 and FI –50 for the reason. It simply have to get best to pay you back best .